and told the world what it had never heard. His opinion on
what really went down in court during the O.J. Simpson trial
and what led to the stunning verdict.
everything they could to get chosen for the O. J. Simpson jury.
But there was one juror selected for the panel, who did everything
she could to get excused from the jury. When she got released the
story dropped a bombshell. Marc first on the scene, landed her first
Marc never strayed from conflict turf, and then there was this
one time they started shooting guns, and Marc and his crew
were right across the street. Here’s the action, through the eyes
of a young boy, “Shell Shocked.”
I or should I not say it? What does it mean? What if people take
it the wrong way? Epithet? Of course! But to some, it’s a house-
hold term of endearment. Today it’s a staple of hip-hop lingo and
culture yet a conundrum that also causes problems. In this national
award-winning report, Marc conjugates the N-Word, with a lot of
help from his friend, the late gangsta rapper Eric “Eazy-E” Wright.
lessons and reminders to any reporter pursuing the craft. In true standup close style
Marc buttons up this story, with the advice that propelled him to numerous story
breaks, exclusives and awards. A must see for any reporter. A reminder for some.
A wakeup call to others.
streaming library. He often utilizes this report when teaching students
the art of the television “Live Shot.” Why this one? Because at the exact
moment Marc was reporting this story from atop a roof in Johannesburg,
chaos was exploding around him! Bombs, gunshots, sirens. And a CNN
producer was in Marc’s ear during his live report (as he was talking)
telling Marc to “stretch, because new footage, sound and injury updates
were concurrently being fed into CNN’s global control center, that Marc
was then reporting live on the air instantaneously, as the info was being
fed into his ear. The entire world was watching this live shot. Enjoy this
masterclass in reporting by a correspondent who found calm in confusion.
Crips and Bloods in LA decided to call it a ceasefire, one man got the call.
The call came from Marc’s source, Pro Football Hall of Famer, Jim Brown.
#32, one of the greatest athletes of all time. The correspondent and the HOF
football player discussed why this was the right time for LA’s longtime feuding
rivals, to “tie rags,” which is what they call a truce in the hood. Then all the
gang leaders came to Jim’s house agreeing to let Marc’s cameraman film them.